Bayesian Analysis

Bayesian Analysis期刊基本信息

Bayesian Analysis中文简介


Bayesian Analysis英文简介

Bayesian Analysis is an electronic journal of the International Society for Bayesian Analysis. It seeks to publish a wide range of articles that demonstrate or discuss Bayesian methods in some theoretical or applied context. The journal welcomes submissions involving presentation of new computational and statistical methods; critical reviews and discussions of existing approaches; historical perspectives; description of important scientific or policy application areas; case studies; and methods for experimental design, data collection, data sharing, or data mining.Evaluation of submissions is based on importance of content and effectiveness of communication. Discussion papers are typically chosen by the Editor in Chief, or suggested by an Editor, among the regular submissions. In addition, the Journal encourages individual authors to submit manuscripts for consideration as discussion papers.

国际期刊推选 论文翻润预审发表!


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